The Rev. Jacki BelileI’ve been carrying with me this week the tender beauty of the music and Word we shared Wednesday night, and the opportunity to meditate freshly on the grace underneath the call to “walk with Jesus.”  In the 40 days of Lent, we are invited to go deeper in a renewing way that will bless and sustain us all year. May the choices you’re making to continue or change elements of your daily routines draw you closer to Christ’s heart. REMEMBER — Any of these changes – inward or outward- are not about EARNING God’s love, but about LEARNING more of God’s love and hope in you.

If you’d like to experience Wednesday’s service, you can listen to the recording HERE.

Looking ahead, we’ll begin creating together tomorrow a Mission Prayer Wall. Somewhere and somehow. Bring your creative juices! Our picture is a place we can bring  pictures, news clips, drawings of our own, poetry, etc to make plain and visible our great care for the suffering and need of this day.  We start this week with inviting you to display images of the war in Ukraine and other global conflicts caused by aggression and violence.  Bring something to church OR snip things out, print things out, draw or write things that keep our intercessions for peace active and in focus.

Meet me at church at 9:30ish tomorrow to perfect these plans for display!

In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki