The Rev. Jacki BelileI am so grateful that I recently moved some self-care inertia and started meeting a long-time goal — swimming in Lake Michigan as often as possible while the weather holds.  I’ve really been enjoying my early morning trips to Montrose Beach.  This morning the water was exquisitely warm but, alas, it was also very very choppy!  Today I was not so much swimming as getting tossed around by the waves!  My exercise was more about the core exercises needed to regain balance, steady myself briefly, and then allow the wave to pass over me or move me along a bit.  I even got to see some surfers! What joy!

The waves of life are surely not always bringing us joy.   We know that times of trial and testing can knock us off our ground, and our sense of safety.  As I reflect on our current series on the “armor of God” I consider the common longing we have to be grounded, secure, and protected from the dangers we face.  Sometimes that is definitely material or spiritual danger; sometimes that might be significant intimidating challenges we misperceive as a danger.  Or, the danger of wrong ideas and illusions that might cause suffering for ourselves or others. 

Our journey with Ephesians 6:10-18 has reminded me that we can rely on a good God who cares about our well-being, and that there are spiritual responsibilities we have to “put on” the gifts ready for us to trust.  Gifts for protection in a world of lies and chaos and temptation.  We’ve touched on the security provided by belt (truth), breastplate (righteousness), and shoes (ready for peace). This week, I’ll be meditating on shield (faith), helmet (salvation), and sword (word of God).  I hope we’ll be encouraged, again, to remember these metaphors are not for aggression but for self-defense, not about a militant mindset but a manifestation of resilient strength.  No matter what we’re facing, may it remind us that God’s providing these spiritual gifts in each season of life.  This Provider invites us to receive and trust them, to test them and practice them, for the living of these days.  

Now THAT reminds me of “Standing on the Promises.” So, let’s open worship with it!

In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki