The Rev. Jacki BelileThis was on my heart and mind as I prepared to meet the folks of Eden NINE YEARS AGO this Sunday as a guest consultant at Steve and Hope’s invitation.  Wow, the time flies. As I greeted you in announcements that day I said these things: I love the small church (still do). l love Lent (still do). I love opportunities to listen and learn together and to chart a unique course as a body of believers. Still do.

 As I prepared my first sermon a few weeks later, I focused on “roots” and tradition. And a thread which has been mine to contribute over our journey so far has been this: a determined honoring of roots and an instinct that this does not have to equal mere nostalgia, knee-jerk resistance to change or any other version of being stuck in the past.  What does it mean to be rooted in Eden’s history as a church, rooted in your own history, rooted in the call to mingle these roots and discover the fruits we are to bear today?

I spent time at a pastors’ conference in Elkhart County, Indiana this week. My heart and mind are filled to the brim with fresh new experiences in song and study and friendship.  I was with mostly Mennonite pastors, a family heritage and community I respect very much.  I felt a fresh expression of belonging and roots. I’ll share more about this in coming months, and how I hope my Fall sabbatical study and worship in these communities will serve as a blessing to Eden as well.  

On Sunday, Sarah will reflect in fresh ways on the Transfiguration story of Jesus and disciples on the mountain top. The story has many inspiring and provoking threads, but one I hear today is the danger of getting stuck, being stuck in the glorying of the past and its story.  Jesus will take us – if we will follow – on a different path that leads from that place with wisdom and grounding and power.   May we have clear understanding and honor for our roots as we go!

In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki