The Rev. Jacki BelileThe phrase “Forward in Faith” is all over our Eden Past. The phrase is on our anniversary booklets of past big gatherings, fundraising visions from the 1950s on and a good number of annual anniversary services like tomorrow’s.  We’re celebrating 109! 

It’s a very good, sound biblical theme and its simplicity is appealing.  Perhaps, though, in its simplicity it glosses over all the challenging crossroads, vulnerable valleys, and daunting mountains our Eden founders and elders have faced.   And, that our ancient and global faith family have faced.  To be truly sustained for the journey, Simone Weill says, “our souls long for roots”.  Telling stories of the faithful, then and now, helps us remember and deepen trust in a faithful God.  It helps us move “forward in faith” and in our trust of the One in whom we live and move and have our being.  Stories help us move from platitudes to real, shared, trustworthy PERCEPTION.

Such stories are stories of seeking refuge, building community, facing new dangers, discovering new places, drawing boundaries, fleeing for safety, enduring the wilderness lessons of life.  Such stories include all our wrestling with the right and faithful choices of our day as we seek to follow the God of Jesus Christ.  What does it look like to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves?”  What does it look like to count the cost?  To pour out our gifts extravagantly in honor of him, like an anointing Mary? Who are we to be in service of our neighbors in need?  What is the wise and life-giving way to maintain tradition? To adapt and evolve?

That is… why are we here, how do we survive and who are we supposed to be today?  What is God stirring us to do –  together – in and from this special place of Eden? This is an open-hearted set of questions, I think, that help us name OUR SPIRITUAL ROOTS  even as we discern our duties and move forward in faith. As we ponder the disciples’ experience of Jesus’ Ascension, surely we know we are in good company… Jesus has likewise promised us power (not answers) as we move forward in faith.

I look forward to our worship service tomorrow as Jim Schranz leads us in reflections on “the music of our faith.”  May these experiences of singing together, and hearing afresh these stories, be a gift to us all.  PLEASE CONSIDER STAYING FOR A POTLUCK MEAL FOLLOWING WORSHIP, a chance to share “tastes of Eden” with each other.  And stay whether or not you’re able to bring something.  A few minutes to help set up at 9am or cleanup afterwards will certainly also be a great way to contribute!

Forward in Faith,
Pastor Jacki