The Rev. Jacki BelileI don’t put “truth” in quotations to be squishy; I actually believe in objective truth, the current Reality that IS for you and me and all.  And, the Truth about God’s judgement (executed by grace) and the world-changing impact of Jesus Christ (executed by forgiveness and reconciliation) through the one true church (all of those assembling to ground themselves in and grow in such abundant life).

I do put “truth” in quotations because -as many of us know – some of the ideas we have inherited about what is true about ourselves and God and the world turn out to be human prejudices or misperceptions or distortions of the Life our God intends for us today.  We also see today the dangers and difficulties we face as we wrestle with how to BE with those whose “truth” differs from our own.  How do we stand for truth and ourselves? What is it, exactly, that we are to guard against?

I will be attending my 3rd “Parliament of World’s Religions” this next week at McCormick Place.  First held at the World’s Fair here in 1893, a number of major gatherings have happened since the centennial anniversary in 1993, also held here in Chicago.  Tens of thousands of people gather from hundreds of religious groups for prayer, music, film, workshops, major plenary speakers about the world’s challenges and the gifts of our religious traditions.  The Salt Lake City gathering in 2015 was truly one of the highlights of my life, rich in meditation, learning and new friendships.  I SAVOR the chance to try new things, listen to fresh views, and honor others’ vocabulary or priorities. The kind of truth I am seeking in settings like this is the truth that is enabled by empathy, humility, and wonder at the vastness of our good and loving God.   The “many” truths do no not unsettle me or compete in any way; they simply point me away from the temptations to make an idol of my familiar life.

In a season that we’re reflecting on the metaphor of the armor of God, I pray it will be helpful to consider how the belt of truth and breastplate of righteousness can serve to protect our hearts for the service and sacrifice God intends.  Is it possible to be “armed and open”?

In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki