The Rev. Jacki BelileFor the last couple years we have opened the “Offerings” moment in worship with an affirmation that sounds like this:   “YOU are a gift. Your presence is a gift, your time is a gift. Your friendship and counsel and prayer are gifts. Your financial offerings are a gift…” 

These are indeed all true as we seek to receive and be the gifts needed by one another, our ministry partners and neighborhood and world.  It is my hope that all we give in time and money are given from this place of desire to share our gifts, to grow in our understanding of our gifts, and to create experiences that are a gift for others.  Above all, to know more deeply the gift and power of the grace we receive in Christ because we are walking together. Our Community Reflection over our worship meal Sunday morning will plumb this more deeply. (And, we welcome back our friend Jim Schranz and his musical gifts!)

Let’s focus in on the gift of TIME a little more specifically.   Members of the Nominating Team will be reaching out to some of you in the coming weeks for conversation about opportunities to share your time for the work of our ministry.   Your time is sacred and no one takes it (or you) for granted here.  Some tasks involve a little more time than others, some tasks would benefit from a longer time of membership than others.   

Many of us feel the strain of living in a very busy and challenging time; we may feel there is not enough of us to go around.  It is important to know when to take a rest (and from what, including Eden tasks!)  If you are open to sharing your time with Eden in new ways, I can also say that we are prayerfully committed that this decision would renew your energy in ways that spiritual law works… in giving, we receive!

Examples of some needs may be ushering, counting our offerings on a rotational basis or serving on the church council which meets 10-12x/per year.  We have also made a commitment to train an assistant/apprentice treasurer in coming months as we deepen the bench of capacity in this area. (The skilled and faithful David Angel has been our treasurer for nine years!)  

If you’re new to the community and would like more information on these opportunities, or if it’s been some time since you served in a formal way, please contact the team at We’ll hold elections on June 25th, and those continuing in terms or beginning terms will be blessed in a brief commissioning service that day.  We will also heartily thank those who are concluding a season of service!

In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki