“Keep a clear eye toward life’s end. Do not forget your purpose and destiny as God’s creature. What you are in God’s sight is what you are and nothing more. Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing that you have received…but only what you have given; a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage.”
― Francis of Assisi

Rev. Jacki BelileThis powerful quotation has been on my mind ever since Sunday, when we closed the Thanksgiving Festival of Song with it.  (THE EVENT WAS AWESOME! Thanks to all who had a helping hand in it… truly a great teamwork experience again.)

Also, it’s been on my heart as I remember  my Uncle Wayne in lavish story-telling time spent Monday and Tuesday in North Dakota.  So many of the memories were about his kindness, his humility and his generosity.  He was a crusty dicey North Dakota farmer and construction worker… and a big-time saint if measured rightly.   One cousin called him the “richest poor man I ever knew” as he recalled the constant giving that marked Wayne’s life.

So far, this has been the richest family trip I’ve experienced in a long-time and I am spending a lot of time meditating on the “why” of that and learning from it.  We’re both praying for you in this week of Thanksgiving — may your time alone and with others be truly enriching in the way you and they need.

It is still our plan to head home to Chicago Friday, and are watching the forecasts closely for safest, smartest transition. We’ve got Advent to do! Join us Sunday for worship and a light luncheon. There will be an opportunity for the inclined to help decorate the sanctuary and tree together.

For the Good News,
Pastor Jacki