Rev. Jacki BelileWorld Communion Sunday is an international celebration observed by a number of Christian denominations.  We join them this Sunday as we lift up the Good News  of Christian unity and the gift of ecumenical cooperation.  On this day, we are mindful of the great diversity of Christ’s Church and the manifold ways the Holy Spirit calls and guides the local assemblies to be the “hand of Christ” on this earth.

It’s natural that we might be thinking about MISSION as we launch this month.  We’ll be resuming Youth Group gatherings (Grades 5th-12th) in collaboration with Irving Park UMC, Grace UMC and potentially other local churches.  This will be the First Sundays of each month, on an experimental basis this fall, at 5pm. We’ve participated in the 16th District Coat Drive for the Homeless.  We’ll be taking the UCC’s “Neighbors in Need” Offering starting today.  We’ll be once again walking to end hunger on October 20th with “TEAM EDEN.”  (Register on-line or after church, or give your donations to be included in your absence.)  Of course, we’ll also be once again hosting the Spaghetti Dinner, an extravagant mission in 

We’re doing our best to figure out AND DO what is ours to do. And to outgrow or let go of ways to represent Christ that ARE NOT OURS TO DO. 

This idea that the Church has universal and shared expressions — AND that each local church is unique and distinct – will be on my heart as I prepare for Sunday.  Join us for a creative and contemplative service!

For the Good News,
Pastor Jacki